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Plan to Marry: Questions to Ask Before Deciding to Propose Finally 'Will You Marry Me?'

Are you planning to Marry? Get wed sooner? Maybe not you, somebody else. Whoever that is, while planning to marry we need to really prepare with a long or short checklist of questions. The first question might be, why I am going to marry? And the next is, am I ready to marry? Let’s look for the questions…

Plan to Marry Questions to Ask
Plan to Marry Questions to Ask

Make Sure You Both Understand Each Other

Literally, marriage is a religious and social oblige, legally to live and build a family, together. A man and woman, this is the most natural from the history of the world.

However, there are some other kinds in this high tech modern world.

But, we are going to discuss the marriage between a man and a woman who love each other and decide to marry. And, also in many cases an arranged marriage by both family also by math maker.

By the way, in this internet era, there are many online matchmaking sites too, which act as matchmaker.

Whatever the situation, the man is the main responsible person between the future husband and wife. Regardless or wealthy and education level, the man supposed take more initiatives than the woman, of any married couple.

Further, it’s better to always remember that,
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.
– Mignon McLaughlin

So, these and these kinds of assessment obviously will help to stay happy.
Therefore, here is a list of questions, not to make you afraid or discourage but, trying to help you to be more open minded knowing yourself and your going-to-be spouse.

You may guess, all the questions are preparing for the man only, but, if you are a woman, and reading this. Then, will help you both to sit together with these inquiries as well as the answers regarding each of the question.

If I get married, I want to be very married.
– Audrey Hepburn

Here we go.

  • Most Important Questions
  • Understanding 
  • Health 
  • Religion
  • Outlook - Fashion
  • Career 
  • Social
  • Hobby and Recreation
  • Relationship 
  • Financial
  • Asset and Liabilities 
  • Household 
  • Friendship
  • Leisure 
  • Children
  • Detachment 

And, let’s discuss one by one in short description. However, you will find the links of the questions as well.

Most Important Questions to Ask first 

Here are some crucial self-inquiries that better to carry on once you or someone decides to marry and going to propose soon. It’s better to get ready as much possible before bringing someone into your life, and who you love so much.

By any means, you don’t want she suffers because of your emotion only without a far view of future.
Have a look at this bunch of some questions to help.


Without a good and healthy understanding environment between the couple, days are not going be in happy. So, here is a checklist with some questions, whether you both understand each other well.

If not, then maybe, you have to set up the understanding situation in every means, before getting wed.

Bitter is better at earlier rather than too late.

I have prepared a post for you with some questions, here it is.


You both love each other, and human may have some health issues, now or later. It’s nothing wrong to discuss before proposing. How you both are going to handle and manage health issues.

Yes, understanding is important besides love. Taking care of somebody needs mental strength, physical fitness too.

And, willingness to help each other. If not it will prove laziness, obviously, love will be in question too.

More age more difficulties arise about health. So, it’s wise to discuss and decide on those upcoming days. Love and responsibility need to apply together for a happy life. One can’t avoid it.

Only love but while the partner is sick, the other one busy sleeping. Surely, not a wise act.

Read this article for your primary experience and experiment.


We are the social being and coming from families with a religious background. Some are active and some are not much. Surely, practicing religion brings peace in mind. So, how are both are going to do that?

In case, you two are from two different religion then you both need to work out earlier. Not only for you both but for your children, as well. Even, need to adjust with your both families too.

Even though, from the same religion, but one is active and the other one of you, is not caring, also may occur a problem in the future.

The only better way is to become active which will bring good result in family and social life.

Outlook - Fashion

Some are caring and some are not about the outlook. But, in minimum cost, you need to keep yourself good looking to your spouse. While you both are seeing each other, surely in good dress and well manner.

Think about your daily life at home while you are still single. And, while you are going out. Talk and find, how you both will continue at home after marriage to keep attractive to each other.
And, it’s really important to avoid outer hazards.

While you will move around after wed, you will see more stylish people around you. And, you may expect the same at home. Not sure, your expectation is fully filled. So, to avoid a future collision.

It’s better to speak out earlier, and that is before you marry if you know each other well enough.


Are you both building career? Or only one of you working? What is your and your going-to-be spouse’s future plan about the career?

Building career means, a long run of hard work, time and energy.

In this case, you both should have some questions to ask and find clear understand answers to go on the life in peace and happiness.

While you alone or both in a professional career, family time is a factor that much talk earlier.


Are you going to stay at home after back from work? Or you spend more time with friends? Ok, while seeing before marry, you both spend enough time without other people.

But, what is going to happen after you both become together? How about your partner?

This may look like not important but may arise in future. So, study well own character and your going-to-be life partner. And, invite to discuss for a solution for future days.

Even about the social network.

Hobby and Recreation

Having pet or gardening, do you have these hobbies or your partner? In the future, also things may come into life as a hobby.

I had hobbies for gardening and bird during my childhood. And later it showed up after a long time in our married life. However, my wife helped me even though busy.

How about you both? Some people have a hobby collecting books, even reptile.
Whatever that is, it’s nice to settle before getting married with some questions and answers.


The relation we create, to keep it healthy we need to contribute and devote ourselves. And, it’s most important in our human relationship. Precisely, personal relationship and family relation matter most necessary to live in peace.

And, it’s a skill that needs to improve continuously.

In any kind of situation, you need to master how you are going to manage a good relationship with others around you.

Being in a long marriage is a little bit like that nice cup of coffee every morning – I might have it every day, but I still enjoy it.
-Stephen Gaines

With some simple questions and answers, you both will be able to stay in a healthy relationship. Obviously, it’s most important.

Let your love stay with you both in any situation.


Moreover, if you have a checklist with some questions about the financial condition of you both, then things will not worse in your marriage life.

If you both discuss openly, about any debts, credit card bills or about installment payments that are running before marry. Then, things will be nice to adjust all kind of financial matters before marry.

You are planning to marry for a happy life. Avoid anything that may disturb that happiness. Make these clear with each other as much as possible.

Nothing wrong to ask, “Do you have any debts that you need to pay or paying?”
Asset and Liabilities

Not only about the future plan, but what you have now about assets and liabilities also better to discuss. Just by asking some small questions. Anyway, your spouse is going to share otherwise you.


Lazy or active is not the matter for now. We are talking about the future after you both get married and start a new life. Where you guys to cook, wash clothes, clean home or paint a wall. Sometimes, to replacing a bulb or water tap.

If you both can find out by asking some questions to each other, you have the solution from now on before marry.

And, these are really important, after eating about the dirty dishes and preparing to cook.


How about making new friends and keeping friendship with others you know or she knows? Will you or she is going to accept?

These are enough important in our normal days. And, you are not going to avoid it by asking and checking with own.

You want peace in life, then find it in every part of your life that may disturb or may become an issue.

Friendship in marriage is the spark that lights an everlasting flame.
-Fawn Weaver


How do you spend your leisure time? And, how does she do? Discover it by asking and you both will have a nice time after getting married.

Some may spend time reading books while some by watching a movie. And, few may go for fitness or fishing.


Changing kid’s clothes, sending to school and bringing back home. Or bringing kids out for a walk. Are you thinking about these yet?

Better you both talk about these and get ready from now even though it’s still far.

Love is a partnership of two unique people who bring out the very best in each other, and who know that even though they are wonderful as individuals, they are even better together.
-Barbara Cage

By the way, money matter to surrounding children expenditure. So, you will have a clear picture and the preparation from now on.

Detachment or Separation

Here is some unavoidable scenario that happens in human life. Sometimes, a temporary detachment because of the job. While some because of bad and sad relation. Which may turn into a permanent separation that we may call as “Divorce”.

So, in case of job and career-related temporary detachment is very usual from week until a year. So, it’s better for some question and answers if your career is like that.

There are many, you may study more by searching on the internet. Those you are going to face in the future or facing now, and you may have some answers for your peaceful life.

In this modern world, there are many kinds of problems arise.

And, we can’t avoid these.

To conclude, you may go thru these all for experience and, you can rectify some or many as you need. All these trying are to have a happy life.

Even nothing wrong for the married people too with this checklist. Still, there is a little chance to bring a little more happiness in a family.

"I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best."
– Marilyn Monroe

And, certainly, I wish you, “Good Luck”.

Have a look at Wedding Plan, for a lot of information about the Wedding Cycle.

Here are some, grab any to for next read.

Leave a comment if you have anything share with us.


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